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Full Automation: No Staff Time Needed

SavvyDDS: Social is powered by Likeablelocal

How This Helps Your Practice

We create, curate & automatically post engaging content to Facebook, Twitter, & LinkedIn, scheduled for you each week.

Hypertargeted social media advertising to drive word of mouth referrals from your social channels

Completely Automatic:  We  curate engaging content your patients will enjoy.  You and your staff are free to post social content often, occasionally, or never.  There are no required practice staff tasks to acheive success.

Boosting Budget is Included:  We pay Facebook to boost your post reach so more of your fans and their friends are reached so they are aware you are active in your community and ready to help when they need you.

5-Star Review Promotions: We monitor your 5-Star Reviews and repost them to your Social Media pages

New Patients Today are more comfortable with a practice that shows they are engaging their comunity with an active social media presence.

Book a Discovery Call With Our Team

We Can Discuss Your Unique Requirements and Take You Through a Quick Demo of the System